Combat arms hacks for free
Combat arms hacks for free

combat arms hacks for free

Head down - This starts the scan at the head, and looks down for a visible body part.įeet up - This starts the scan at the feet, and looks up for a visible body part.

combat arms hacks for free

There are three options you can choose for bone scan. This allows you to make very impressive shots. Should your selected body part (Head, torso, ect) not be visible (Perhaps the enemy is behind a crate), bonescan will look for any visible body parts and lock onto it. When locked on to an enemy, the bonescan feature will keep a constant check of visible body parts. 'Bone Scan =' Bonescan is one of the gems of the aimbot. This can be used to make the bot killer fast, or slow it down to keep the legit look. 'Aim Speed =' Use this to speed up, or slow down the speed of the aimbot. 'Bone =' This allows you to choose which body part the aimbot will focus on. 'Ping Adjust =' Makes the aimbot compensate for your ping, improving accuracy. Increase this for a rage settings, and lower it for a more legit look. 'FOV =' This is the FOV 'Field Of View' that the aimbot can 'see'. 'No Spread =' This removes bullet spread from your weapons, vastly improving accuracy. 'Enable =' This is the master On/Off switch for the aimbot. This is the menu where you control the amazing aimbot! You have 4 available profiles, so you can have all your preferred settings saved, and ready to use! Again, you simply save it when done, and you can now switch between profiles for fast in game changes! You can then load 'Save 1' and set your settings for sniping, perhaps. This will save the hack settings on the selected profile.

combat arms hacks for free

When you have your hack settings to your preferred setup, you can go down to 'Save Settings' and push the right arrow key. The Config menu allows you to save, and load your custom hack settings. If you are having any issues, shoot us an email, Contact MPGH Support.Click here to start downloading from our server.


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  • combat arms hacks for free

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    Combat arms hacks for free